Oral narratives and visual sources: a methodology to know phenomenological relationships between subjects and old places of work


  • Daniela Vieira Goularte Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Ana María Sosa González Universidade Federal de Pelotas




industrial heritage, phenomenological relations, narratives, history of Pelotas


This article presents a methodology created with the objective of knowing the intangible dimension – formed by memories, meanings and perceptions – existing among subjects of different groups about the industrial heritage of the “Zona do Porto”, in the city of Pelotas (RS). From the identification of a problem related to the preservation and reuse of the local industrial heritage, the proposal was developed by a dialectical analysis, through the progressive-regressive movement (Lefebvre, 2013), added to the combination of data collection instruments such as mental maps, semi-structured interview based on in the methodology of Oral History and photo/object-elicitation, constituting an efficient set of oral narratives that complemented with visual sources. Following the recommendations of the Seville Charter (TICCIH-Brasil, 2018) which indicates the need to think about more inclusive participatory models for citizens, the research sought to know these intangible aspects, so that they can integrate with new forms of preservation and legitimation with civil society, and thus strengthen the sense of belonging of the community with its heritage. The methodology based on the alternation of narratives (oral and visual) performed appropriately to approach the issues of memory, resignifications of the old industrial spaces and thus promote the preservation and valorization of the industrial heritage of the city of Pelotas.


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How to Cite

Vieira Goularte, D., & Sosa González, A. M. . (2022). Oral narratives and visual sources: a methodology to know phenomenological relationships between subjects and old places of work. História Oral, 25(2), 197–222. https://doi.org/10.51880/ho.v25i2.1267